Saturday, July 30, 2011


It's been a while since I've blogged, but thankfully, it's because things have been so busy around here!  I'm so incredibly grateful that people have taken notice of Darling Bella and have requested finished pieces.  I'm definitely feeling the love and I'm soaking up every minute of it!  :)  In the spirit of celebration, I wanted to share my newest transformation...."Ella." 
If you'll remember, "Ella" is the piece formerly known as "Princess Peach" from my last blog.  (Total Prince reference, by the way)  ;) 
I was very excited to work on "Ella" because I knew that she had a lot to offer, and when I found these gorgeous knobs, I knew that she needed to wear them. 
In my mind, I really felt like "Ella" should be a warm peach color called "Inviting Warmth"--unlike what she originally was, but knew that a can of my "oops" blue paint would turn her into a beautiful piece when paired with those knobs. 
I"m sure that "Inviting Warmth" will find its way back into another piece, but until then, I'll enjoy "Ella's" beautiful blue hue--mixed with a hint of peach.  ;) 


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